Amazon EC2 IP Detector for Python

20. November 2014 Blog 0

The other day I need to be able to detect if an IP address was an Amazon EC2 IP address for a project I was working on. I couldn’t find any code but I did find this: Which is a list of all the ip ranges for Amazon EC2 servers. So first a wrote a parser to parse all these ip ranges. Then I wrote this function in order to detect if a specific ip is in one of those ranges:

def amazon_ip(incoming_ip):
	pieces = incoming_ip.split('.')
	ip2int = ''
	for num in pieces:
		ip2int = ip2int + num.zfill(3)
	ip2int = int(ip2int)

	ranges = [['107020000000','107023255255'],

	is_amazon = False
	for range in ranges:
		rangeMin = int(range[0])
		rangeMax = int(range[1])
		if(ip2int >= rangeMin and ip2int <= rangeMax):
			#print 'Found in this range'
			#print range
			is_amazon = True

	return is_amazon

Hopefully someone else can find this useful.

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